Objective: Walk to the street just west of Nichibu-Za and there are two kids talking. You will both go outside when some scum tries to kidnap the famous artist. Then players will dance for him, after which select option 1 when talking to him. First off, they will need to do karaoke, after which they will need to select option 2 when talking to him. Select the top option to agree and players will meet him in Watami in Rakunai. Objective: At the south of Ebisu Pawn Rakunai, a famous artist needs someone to perform for him, and Ryouma will be the perfect candidate. Requirement: Begin Chapter 3 and clear The Man Fluttering Like A Butterfly quest He’s in the alleyway south of Hanamaru Udon and Beat him up. Talk to an old lady to the right of the restaurant Kamatora to get more information on him. Objective: Walk in the same street as Ginryu Dojo, and players will hear about a scammer called Black Ebisu. Reward: Unlock Dancing Mini-Game God Buddha Ebisu Objective: Walk in front of the Nichibu-Za, defeat 4 enemies, and then do the traditional Japanese-dancing minigame. Objective: Located nearby the palanquin, there is an old man chopping wood. Reward: None Friendship: Wood-Splitting Old Man He plays with junk so give him literally anything by choosing the top option and then selecting the junk. Objective: Located North of the Fushimi Building, there’s a child who has nothing and wants to play with something since all his friends have cool toys. Objective: In front of Terada Inn, there’s a fisherman who hasn’t caught a fish yet so fish one or buy one and give it to him.

Reward: Exquisite Gear Friendship: Cliff Angler Some of the members don’t behave and cause a commotion. Objective: East of Ebisu Pawn Fushimi there’s an Ee Ja Nai Ka dance. The correct answers are option 2 (“Scarecrow”), Top option (“Daikon Asazuke”), and option 2 (“Tuna”). Objective: Same as last time, listen to the story and select the top option. The correct answers are the Top option (“Red, White, Green”), option 2 (“Amazake”), and option 2 (“Sumire”). Requirement: Complete Long Story Substory Reward: Golden Stamp Long Story Successor She says so much it’s insane and at the end of the story, players have to answer some questions. Top option (“bamboo shoots”), option 3 (“tea house”), and bottom option (“Sakiko”). Talk to them and one of them will ask players to listen. Objective: Right next to the restaurant called Hanako, there are 2 girls. This completes the substory and you can come back to continue the friendship. Objective: Go to the Umaiya Udon shop and do the Udon shop minigame. Reward: Broken compass, Beautiful silk, and Imported cloth from the west The Most Important Thing is Stiffness Leave and come back for their final reward. Select the top option that says”sentiment”. Apparently, the players did a great job and his book sold well! He got his inspiration back, so now he’s writing a second book. Leave and come back and you’ll get another reward. Select the middle option to say “ bokuchan“. They will get a reward and now he asks what the nickname of the MC should be. He wants players to come up with what the story should be about. If they select the top option Ryoma checks it out and it turns out a writer lost his inspiration. Objective: On the second floor of Terada Inn players will hear a guy scream. Requirement: After Meeting with the Shinto Priest Friendship: Injured person with a sense of justice.The Commander of the Black Panther Postman Group.The Star of The Black Panther Postman Group.The Black Panther Postman Group Appears.
The Proprietor With Skin That Only Seems To Stick.Friendship: Courier With No Sense of Direction.